The 2 Most Common Causes of Roof Replacement Delays

Given that roof replacement takes a considerable amount of time and money, you’ll want to make sure it runs in a smooth and timely manner. Delays, however, are not uncommon in these types of projects. If you want to get around them and keep your project on track, you’ll need to understand what causes them in the first place. A trusted roofing contractor in the area, Thompson Roofing and Construction, discusses some of the common reasons for roof replacement delays.


Siding Repair or Replacement: Which Should You Choose?

While your siding is designed to be durable and long-lasting, it’s still not exempt from damage. And when your siding does sustain damage, you’re left with two options: you either have it repaired or replaced. But when does one solution make more sense than the other? A premier new construction expert, Thompson Roofing and Construction, shares what you need to know.
